Deranged - Ed Gein - Japanese Mini Poster


Mini poster given out at the Japanese premier of Deranged.

Deranged (also known as Deranged: Confessions of a Necrophile) is a 1974 psychological horror film directed by Alan Ormsby and Jeff Gillen, and starring Roberts Blossom. Its plot, loosely based on the crimes of Ed Gein, follows Ezra Cobb, a middle-aged man in a rural Midwestern community who begins a string of serial murders and grave robberies after the death of his mother, a religious fanatic who raised him to be a misogynist. The film features a diegetic narration in which a newspaper columnist occasionally appears and narrates the events depicted. Though based on Gein, the film's title is misleading since Gein never experimented with necrophilia (although a necrophile is also defined as having "an obsessive fascination with death and corpses.")

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