All / P - T / Arthur Shawcross All On Sale A - C D - F G - I J - L M - O P - T Gary Plauche Stephen Port Dorothea Puente Dennis Rader Richard Ramirez Scott Peterson James Earl Ray Jack the Ripper Gary Ridgeway Joel Rifkin Issei Sagawa Arthur Shawcross Wesley Shermantine Jr. O.J. Simpson Richard Speck Peter Sutcliffe Ottis Toole Misc P Q R Misc S T U V - Z Cults Media Law/Political/War High End Items Artwork Books and Comics Magazines and Newspapers Clothing Cult Collectibles Books $25 and Under Trading Cards Merch CategorySortA-ZZ-A$-$$$$$$-$ Arthur Shawcross - Signed Bookmark with Fingerprint $20.00 sold out Sold Out Arthur Shawcross Signed Polaroid $200.00 sold out Sold Out Arthur Shawcross: The Genesee River Killer $15.00 Add To Cart Arthur Shawcross - True Crime Trading Card $5.00 Add To Cart